Despite the general decline in the field of construction, the building materials market shows enviable stability. In many ways, this phenomenon is associated with the desire of people to equip their home not only from the point of view of comfort, but also for reasons of safety and coziness.The term "house" is usually understood as four walls equipped with a floor and ceiling. However, let's focus on the walls. At the moment, the best way to rough the walls is to cover them with plasterboard sheets. The gypsum underlying this material is an environmentally friendly material, devoid of foreign inclusions, pH-neutral and non-radioactive.In combination with cardboard, it has the special property of adjusting the microclimate of the room by absorbing excessive humidity. Drywall sheets are extremely convenient to use, easy to cut and fasten to almost any surface using plastic and metal fasteners. The installation of this coating is a fast and clean process, which is achieved by the absence of "wet" processes such as putty and plaster. The front side of the sheet is relatively smooth and is ideal for applying a finishing coating – wallpaper, paint, plaster, etc. Drywall is a material with good thermal insulation and noise insulation properties. However, the effectiveness of these parameters depends on the installation method of the sheet. The fact is that drywall is usually attached to concrete on a frame, the thickness of which may vary in different walls. Regarding the insulating properties of the material, we can say that everything depends on the thickness of the frame layer and on its attachment to the wall. The best insulating properties are provided by a three-layer frame, which is attached to the ceiling and floor, but does not touch the wall itself.Having a lot of advantages, drywall has one not very convenient property. The fact is that its high elasticity does not imply a special mechanical tensile strength. Simply put, something heavy cannot be attached directly to drywall using, for example, self-tapping screws, because it will not hold. This disadvantage can be circumvented. For this purpose, plastic or wooden dowels are used, the size of which depends on the further load.It is generally believed that this type of attachment can withstand a load of up to 40 kg, provided that its center of gravity is less than half a meter from the attachment point. If it is necessary to install objects that are heavier or subject to sudden load fluctuations, then they act differently. At the stage of attaching drywall to the frame, metal slats must be installed on the wrong side of the sheet in places where these elements are supposed to be attached. This will distribute the load over half the area, which means that it will increase the limit of sustained gravity.Plasticity of drywall causes its widespread use in the installation of curved geometric structures. This ability of his is expressed in his extreme flexibility when wet. Following some rules, you can bend the drywall yourself at your discretion, while achieving the uniqueness of the interior design. How to create curved structures based on drywall correctly will be described in a separate article. It also makes sense to note that it is necessary to form a structure from a sheet under the same humidity regime as to operate. If this compliance is not achieved, then the drywall may crack when drying and the work will be ruined. 토토사이트 는 전 세계 플레이어에게 최고 품질의 게임 경험을 제공하려는 열정을 가진 숙련된 전문가 팀에 의해 2016년에 설립되었습니다. 카지노는 Malta Gaming Authority의 라이센스에 따라 운영되며 엄격한 규정과 공정한 플레이 정책을 준수합니다.